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Board Certified Pastoral Counseling Program

Board Certified Pastoral Counseling Program

Counseling, Psychology and the Christian:  This course studies the composite of the Christian with emphasis on the contrast between his mind, will, emotions, and the human spirit.

Christian Counseling 100:  This introductory course addresses the local Church, the Christian counselor, and the Christian community. Suggested textbook – Competent to Counsel – Jay Adams

Christian Counseling 200:  This course introduces the Bible as the most valuable tool that can be used in Counseling. Suggested textbook – Christian Counseling – Gary R. Collins

Counseling for Change:  Covers a wide spectrum of counseling issues with avenues to bring about change in the counselee.

Building Strong Marriages and Families:  A study of the importance of communication and the periphery things that, when lacking, tend to destroy a marriage.

Pastoral Counseling:  This foundational course explores in detail the fundamental foundations of pastoral counseling ministry, historically and practically. It will be taught from a strong biblical perspective and is a preparatory course for this area of vital ministry. Suggested textbook – Pastoral Counseling “An Introduction to Pastoral Care” – Dr. Tony V. Lewis

Program Requirements:

The Pastoral Counseling Certification Program requires a completed undergraduate or equivalent degree. However, if a person has 10 to 15 years of pastoral ministry experience or has received some college credit, some special training or experience in the counseling field he/she may also apply. Credits earned from this program can be applied toward a degree in Christian Counseling from Christian Bible Institute & Seminary for those wanting further study in the field.

Registration Fee: $50.00

Tuition Cost: $650.00

Annual Renewal Fee: $50.00

Program Total: 18 credit hours

* Materials Included

Students who complete this program onsite or online will receive 15 credit hours that may be applied toward a degree in Christian Counseling from Christian Bible Institute & Seminary.

NACC Certification is NOT to be confused with state licensing. Most states have laws governing the practice of general counseling. These laws vary from state to state.

The purpose of state regulatory laws is to protect the public and ensure professionalism within the counseling profession. NACC strives to attain the same goals, and more. As Christians we know that counseling with the Word of God is the only answer for a dying world, yet at the same time, we must purpose to operate within the legal guidelines set forth by state regulations.

The state recognizes that counseling is one of the responsibilities of the local church. For this reason, the state does not interfere with the ministry of counseling, as long as counseling is provided under the following conditions:

1. That the counseling service is provided through a legally organized/operated local church or a nationally recognized denomination.

2. That the counselor is trained and commissioned by the legally recognized organization.

Please note that NACC does not “endorse” counselors who have completed one of our certificate programs. A significant part of any professional certification process is supervised counseling to observe if a student is appropriately applying what has been learned, along with periodic recertification requirements. Certification from our organization, represents that the student has completed the required coursework within that certificate program.

NACC has partnered with Christian Bible Institute & Seminary to offer degree programs and continuing professional education for its members.