If you hold a Master’s or a Doctoral Degree in Christian Counseling, we will license you at this level. Licensing is for Pastor’s and Christian members who work occasionally in the counseling field but have an equal load of other ministerial duties, as well as Pastors and other Christian workers who have counseling and therapy as their main ministry. To further qualify for licensing, the applicant must also complete the NACC Board Certified Christian Counselor Program.
Marriage & Family Pastoral Therapist
Marriage & Family Christian Therapist
Christian Therapist
Clinical Pastoral Therapist
Clinical Christian Therapist
To apply online, simply fill out the online application form below.
All Membership, Certification, and Licensing is applicable to Counseling and Therapy performed under the covering of a church, ministry, or other religious non-profit corporation. The NACC does not compete with state licensing. We do however offer an alternative for those “Pastors” and other Ministers who choose to make counseling their “ministry” and cannot for some reason pursue state licensing. Please check with your state to determine the use of the words “Clinical,” “Therapist,” and the term “Licensed.” If your state does not allow you to use these terms you need to know this information.